Meet the band

  • Slay-J

    • plumber

    • born on the ISS and raised in low earth orbit

    • playing guitar for three weeks

    • 3.5 children

    • non-band hobbies include passionate chainsaw sculpting and making Rob say “oh my god” and roll his eyes

    • favorite dad joke: What do a rabbit and an eggplant have in common? - They are both purple, except the rabbit

    • unpopular opinion: nacho cheese Doritos are awesome on PB&J sandwiches

    • you’ll find Slay-J on the beach, walking into the sunset, with the wind in his hair and a bright future ahead of him.

  • Handsome Rob

    • born in a bathtub but hates showers

    • started playing music to fit in with his youth group, actually wanted to be a professional bull fighter but he doesn’t look good in red

    • 1 wife, 2 kids that aren’t hers, honestly doesn’t remember how he got them but still loves them

    • most badass thing he’s done: took two whip-its at once, passed out, hit his head on the fireplace and woke up without a scratch

    • favorite dad joke: What is red and bad for your teeth? - A brick

    • unpopular opinion: Slay-J is actually funny

  • Scotty "it was rob" sutton

    • trucking man

    • has always existed as a man of the earth

    • learned to play drums listening to a woodpecker

    • hobbies include deep thoughts, cookies, and mining coal

    • thinks moonsets are cooler than sunsets

    • ultimate goal is to live in a treehouse fit for a king

    • coffee sucks!!! tea is better!!!

Hot Piranha will save America.